Saturday, 15 February 2014

Falling In Love With Paris

We've been here more than two months and I think I might have finally have fallen in love with the city. It's been so grey and miserable and I haven't even had the motivation to go out and explore or do anything adventurous. I've pretty much been working non-stop this month so it's not like I've had the opportunity even If I could be arsed. 
In terms of Vs Carte de Sejour application we have managed to secure an appointment next month to make the official application. I didn't think that's how it would go down, I was fully expecting to do everything at the centre de réception des étrangers in the 17e, but after waiting about 45 mins we spent an hour and a half with a fonctionnaire as she asked for a couple of the documents from the list. V was given a récépissé for the carte de sejour which means he can (finally) work and has the right to stay in France even when his visa is no longer valid. I was more than a bit annoyed that they didn't ask to see my birth certificate that I'd just paid €50 to translate though. I'm assuming they will actually want everything off the list at the interview.

Because my social security number still hasn't come through I can't affiliate myself with the French healthcare system, which means V can't be either soooo I will probably have to pay for some private cover before the interview in order to tick all the boxes. 

After having stayed in a total of 4 different apartments we have finally found a place to stay until September in the Marais. The area is lovely, which is how I'm trying to justify the cost of this poky studio, but the famous falafel restos are literally within spitting (ew) distance which won't be good for my (expanding) waistline.
I'm going to attempt to blog more often now that I'm in a proper routine and I've got fewer things to stress about. I get really annoyed with myself everytime I see something interesting or do something super touristy and don't photograph/review it.